
Heyyyyy lovesssssss
          	It’s currently 1:31 AM and I have offline school tomorrow. But part 3 is all done yesssssss! 
          	I feel like this chapter is so good! Definitely better than part 2 lol. 
          	Anyway here’s the link:
          	Hope you enjoy the chapter. Criticism and suggestions are welcomed but pls don’t be rude/ mean. I would start overthinking and cuz drama in front of my friends and then piss them off in the process lol.
          	Anyways for those who have nights at the moment, have a great nighttttt!! Sweet dreams. 
          	F*ck I am tired lmao. 


Hey dear! Hope you're doing good. 
          If time permits I'll be really grateful if you can take some time and read my story and also share your views on it. 
          It's a simple arrangend marriage story with lots of love and cute moments between the leads along with fun with family and friends.
          If that's your area of intererst you can check out my story. Would be looking forward to your feedback.
          Have a good day ^_^ .
          Thank you in advance >_<.


Hey dear
          Sorry to bother you but if you are accepting reading requests and if time permits can you please check my work
          1) Bound by love till eternity
          2) Tales from my heart - A collection of one shot
          Sorry to bother you but your review would mean a lot to me.
          Stay safe.


Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". I hope it won't disappoint you plus I'm a new writer it will be a great help if you give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story. 
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot. 


Heyyyyy lovesssssss
          It’s currently 1:31 AM and I have offline school tomorrow. But part 3 is all done yesssssss! 
          I feel like this chapter is so good! Definitely better than part 2 lol. 
          Anyway here’s the link:

          Hope you enjoy the chapter. Criticism and suggestions are welcomed but pls don’t be rude/ mean. I would start overthinking and cuz drama in front of my friends and then piss them off in the process lol.
          Anyways for those who have nights at the moment, have a great nighttttt!! Sweet dreams. 
          F*ck I am tired lmao. 


Hello againnnn
          Here’s link for Part 2 of “BROWNIES AND MILKSHAKE” 

          Again if you haven’t read the book “Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations” check it out!
          Here’s the profile where you check it out: @miadaley17
          Byeeeeeee my lovesssssssss 


this message may be offensive
Heyyy my lovessss
          I don’t know how many of you have read “Ice cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations” by @miadaley17.
          Check that amazing and obsessive book if you haven’t! 
          After you’ve read that, check out my book “OF BROWNIES AND MILKSHAKES” which is a fanfic of two side characters of the book. 
          It’s based on a situation created by me. Check it out if you absolutely loved May and Lucas in ITAAS (Ice-cream, Teasing and Awkward Situations). 
          Here’s the link of the first chapter of my book:

          To check out ITAAS, you can find it on Mia’s profile: @miadaley17
          I am also posting part 2 of “OF BROWNIES AND MILKSHAKE” in a sec. 
          See ya when I post part 3 which is halfway done! 
          Currently thinking of non-cringy yet cheesy scenes which also displays their personalities. 
          Writing is hard lol. 
          Random shit: Send the alien “”emoji if you are Indian. 


Hecker here


Heyyyy Begula here 