Hi! I wanted to say Happy Holidays! And that I do have stuff going slowly for books and content. I think I've decided to post the supernatural gay hunter book on here and Inkitt for a year, when I unpublish His Mortuary Bat from these apps. With that said, I'm uncertain if I'll have the updated manuscript ready for sale by the new year (I have multiple manuscripts to format lol). I wanted the publishing plans finished by now, but it's still slow going. I'm going to work on it until it looks as good as my self-taught skills allow haha.
Here's the plan. The Blind Hunter will be published here, and on Inkitt for a year (until this time next year). It will stay permanently on Patreon. It will be for sale, I'll get back to you on that. But for now, it will be on wattpad and inkitt.
His Mortuary Bat is going to be unpublished, except for the first ten chapters or so. This seems fair, as both Patreon and now the free apps got a year (or so, I'm bad with time), and now a small compromise of ten chapters as a sample to others. It will also be for sale, on Amazon. It already is for paperback, but I recommend waiting until I say it's updated; I've changed the entire manuscript and made random edits on chapters (adding words, grammar, a sentence or two). For the future, I am not doing full-scale books for a bit. It takes a good amount of my brain power to focus and remember my own ideas, wouldn't ya know it haha. So instead, I'm going back to one-shots (no real people, only original characters or fandoms), mini-series, and prompts from people or wherever I see them. That's what I've been posting to Patreon, just edited notes and old writing class assignments.
That's all for right now, but check over on Patreon for any updates from me because Wattpad and Inkitt always slip from my head nowadays haha, sorry! Have a great holiday, stay safe and I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!!
- Coffee Boy ☕️ ☕️