would anyone be interested in me putting up a fnaf fanfic i'm working on here? it's not gonna be that serious, just a joke story, mainly
...you know that i'll do it anyway, but still
would anyone be interested in me putting up a fnaf fanfic i'm working on here? it's not gonna be that serious, just a joke story, mainly
...you know that i'll do it anyway, but still
" the trans problem"
" the trans question"
hmmm, i wonder by what far-right group whose leader TERFs like to quote now was this rhetoric used about a minority to later allow genocide of said minority...
"you're just a man in a dress that wants to assault women in public bathrooms!"
first up, i'm a female by factory settings, i'm just not 100% binary
and if i wanted to assault women, i'd become a cop and i'd get paid for it
some people carry around a plushie as a talisman for good luck
i carry around a plushie to have a support in case of an anxiety attack
we are not the same
@Lucidlikesmangos you remind me of my brother who owns one of those warm-up plushies that you put in a microwave, and that's like half a kilo owl (when that's flying at you at maximum velocity it can reach, it's not pleasant)