
Wow ok, so this year has been a lot. Due to some health issues, I ended up taking a rather long and unplanned break but I'm excited to get back to what I truly love. Still dabbling in fanfic, although my focus there has switched up, while I work on my first all OC fic. Thank you to anyone who follows me or who has ever read my work. Hopefully 2021 will be kinder to all of us.


Wow ok, so this year has been a lot. Due to some health issues, I ended up taking a rather long and unplanned break but I'm excited to get back to what I truly love. Still dabbling in fanfic, although my focus there has switched up, while I work on my first all OC fic. Thank you to anyone who follows me or who has ever read my work. Hopefully 2021 will be kinder to all of us.