
Hey guys! I know I've been terrible with updating Mistake. And I promise when things die down with school I'll get back on it! But for now I need your help. My school's theatre department is hosting a virtual mask design competition and the prize is 100$! So all you artists out there, if you need 100$ and you like designing...(like Marionette) get on my insta (@queenuzzy2003) and look for the post about the FSU mask design competition! It ends October 31st! The registration link will be right under the picture. So get to it!


Hey guys! I know I've been terrible with updating Mistake. And I promise when things die down with school I'll get back on it! But for now I need your help. My school's theatre department is hosting a virtual mask design competition and the prize is 100$! So all you artists out there, if you need 100$ and you like designing...(like Marionette) get on my insta (@queenuzzy2003) and look for the post about the FSU mask design competition! It ends October 31st! The registration link will be right under the picture. So get to it!


Hey hey hey people!:) How ya'll doin? I just wanted to say hiiiii......and beg people to go read my new story Orion. I promise it wont be a waste of time ;)
          Also forget about my Hubpages, the kicked me off :( I still don;t know why though. But if you want me to publish my writings here I could too


Hey hey hey party people! So I just started a HubPages account were I write about....anything. So go check it out!

          this one is about Bipolar disorder....and I know that maybe it's not of interest to you. But just go read it to inform yourself. Also I have another article there pending for publishment now. But when it comes out i'll let you guys know. And thanks again for 1k reads on "Mistake"! I'm gonna update it right now.
          PS. I'll finally be 17 tomorrow! :)


          Need money for school but don't Kno where to look? Have an E-mail? Well I have a solution for you

          Fastweb will find you some great scholarships that you can apply for, just use the link and make an account and start applying!
          You'll thank me later