
I'm sorry I haven't been posting. I've been in a deep spot and have been dealing with chronic pain. I hope to post a new story soon. 


          Today I came out to my parents and I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my chest, shoulders, and back. They both said really positive things and I'm glad. My mom helped me choose a binder so she can order it soon. I'm getting a buzz cut tomorrow. Everything that is happening today and tomorrow is hopefully for good. I wanted to tell you guys so you can help my on my journey and if I need support, I hope you guys and gals will fill that spot.
          Thank you.


@AoTAndStuff I wish you the best of luck oh And also I think you're parents sound really nice and understanding! I know there are many parents who would be angry so hearing this has givin me hope for the human race once again!