
I got an update! I just need the internet!!!


Well first off theirs no other library in the yellow zone but in the blue zone their is , and like some people have said theirs no 1st dinning room . I screen shot both photos and spent about a good hour trying to figure differences out . Like measurements , numbers , names and colors . It seems useless but authors will actually go that far just to piss people off or to screw with their brains . You did a good job and I love the plot to , but I really want to know how old Mai is since she called Emo-narcissist tea addict ( Naru ) a brat which is usually used to younger people by the older ones . 
          This reply is for the one chapter on your book abut comparing your little maps , nice idea BTW . 


(Trying to answer ur I<3 Screwing w People thing XD) Could it be that there are no front doors? I see a bunch of emergency exits that lead outside, but in Chapter 5, it states (towards the end of the chapter) that they began their walk to the main doors... ?


@Ao_Oni ooohhh... OK. Well, at least I tried... 


@DarkGenius11 Actually the Emergency Exits are the regular exits, but I just didn't think to put them as regular exits. At my place of work the doors are emergency exits but we have the alarm turned off on one so we can enter and exit with ease.


I'm at that point in my life that I want to talk to someone about a problem but I don't know how to talk to anyone because I'm not use to opening up to people. 
          Anyone wanna give me advice?


@WesleyCaldwell8 Aww! Thanks Shy! It's been forever since we've talked! I honestly never expected you to comment (or anyone else for that matter) because I thought you got rid of wattpad like everyone else. Message me if you want and we'll talk!


So I'm sitting at home with my brother and I'm watching him play Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and he's got the Mask of Truth on and running around when I say "That's a really creepy mask." He looks at me and instantly says "It's just a big eye, sir." 
          He just made the greatest pun ever.