
It has been quite some time since I wrote but it's all good, I'm back on track and I finally, and I REALLY MEAN FINALLY remembered my plot. 
          	Oh my god me. After months of ' abandoning ' this story, I came back not knowing what to do and not remembering what my plot was originally. 
          	But I hope you guys would still be here with me to finish reading this story of mine! I really enjoy writing for all of you! I keep my notifications on all the time and I really appreciate all of you who added ' Dance With The Devil ' to your reading lists! 
          	It really touched me. For those that has just started reading, I'm no longer 15! I'm 16 this year. ( Yes, I left this story to rot for a year. ) 
          	I don't think ' thank you ' is enough to show my gratitude for everyone who has read my story but I really appreciate every single one of you. 
          	- Aoi ♡


Hello there author chan!! I dont wanna disturb u or anything but is there a sequel coming up for the SebaCiel story?? Im really into this story and wanted to know more about it!!! Please update as soon as u had no more homeworks or any exams are coming through despite some of the authors are busy and has a writing's block or whatever it is called. Therefore please update it as you had stated that there is a sequel comin up. And i was just finished the story in two days and i really wanted to know what happens next! Yep i did write a long note like this pretty much very often because i love to write stories of my own. But please do come back and continue it, we miss you :<.