
@caitlynduffy Hi, so sorry only saw the comment there 'cause I usually just read through my phone! Thanks so much! Love both my name and Galway (though the surname is from Donegal), Irish and proud <3 Your name is so pretty aswell! Is there a bit of Irish in you judging by the name, is it pronounced catchlyn almost with an ah sound for the a or am i waaay off? :) 


@caitlynduffy Hi, so sorry only saw the comment there 'cause I usually just read through my phone! Thanks so much! Love both my name and Galway (though the surname is from Donegal), Irish and proud <3 Your name is so pretty aswell! Is there a bit of Irish in you judging by the name, is it pronounced catchlyn almost with an ah sound for the a or am i waaay off? :)