hey guys i'd like to tell you this. to anyone that was unlucky enough to stumble upon my book, and still has the books in your library..... im sorrryyyy. like really sorry for my withdrawal series... haha so funny. straight to the point. Id like to tell y'all that i have decided to rise up and fight again, take my books seriously and this time I'll actually do this right. By the time I write up to ten chapters of each of my books I'll publish it this time. I'll stat up a new schedule and make sure to try and stick to it. Till then and I promise that it'll be very soon, my books... shy spy, alphabeth and the painter will be unpublished. I just really hope y'all wait 4 me and gimme hope to continue. so pls follow me (so we can get updated when the books are out) and lets wait and hope for the books' returns. thanks so much if you read this. love y'all