
I’m sad I have writers block DDDD,,,,,:


Mally wants to see the world, but the world had other ideas. What will Mally do with a global pandemic that's wiped out most of the population. Will Mally fail or will they succeed. Watch Mally and some of there friends defeat, conquer, and change the world as it is. 
          NEW BOOK!!!
          Now no it’s not out, yet. This book will be out on August 30 2025 yes that’s a long time from now but, when I write a book like this I NEED time to write it. So a mark in your calendars on 8/30/2025 that this book comes out. Yes that’s how you spell there name and yes they going bye they/them pronouns respect them you got it!
          Anyway bye!!!
          (And yes the date was changed sorry!)