
I was thinking about to doing a Louis x Legoshi story, where Legoshi attacks Louis instead of Haru, but I was thinking to get you guy's opinion first, I know some enjoy my stories and some don't but, I'm not that good at writing yet but I plan to be anyways, I was also thinking of doing a Zuko x Aang story. 
          	Which do you want me to publish first? Zuko x Aang? Or Legoshi x Louis? 
          	That's all my cuties, stay awesome, safe and gay if you are (=


Ninth, why did the man end up cheating again?  And why did Landon allow it?!  Since he was getting married, why wasn't he loyal? Unless he was in an open marriage relationship with his sister. But if that's the case, why wasn't it mentioned? He practically just proved that there was no need for the marriage. 
          Lastly, It was mentioned, at some chapter in the book,  that the two who married were actually siblings. Like.. why wasn't there a warning for that, ⚠️ and it was like.. so unnatural that they'd get married. They weren't that close in any chapter, there wasn't even a hint of love or care between them. Basically, it meant no sense that they got married. If he wanted someone that'll take care of the kids, he could've just hired a nanny. It didn't help that the storyline started off seeming like she was a nanny and not he's actual sister. I mean, it's still not going to, much, but if they weren't blood-related siblings then it might make maoe sense. So why weren't they?


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Fourthly, she knew something was off about Landon and the man, she saw the signs  , why didn't she question them then? Why didn't she do anything about it? 
          Fifth, Why did she try to kill? She couldn've just broken up with the man, or kicked Landon out. 
          Sixth, why was she still staying with the man later on.. before he broke up with her? After Landon left, when she knew what was done was irreversible and that she was never going to forgive it?
          Seventh, Are you telling me that no one else saw the pregnancy tests in the garbage, other than Landon?  So that means that they didn't bother throwing out the trash ️ or  cleaning up the room for like three years?! 
          Eighth, Are you telling me that the man's sister was in the house this whole time, but didn't know what was going on between the other three?!  Because, I'm sure she did, she couldn't have been that clueless no matter how dumb you made her out to be. At least she must've sensed something, like that dinner time, and just put 2 n' 2 together. So why did she end up marrying her brother anyway?! 


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Secondly, Why did his mum invite him to her place in the first place? Just because she promised to pick him in the future?!  I mean, she doesn't even know a thing about him. That's messed up.
          Thirdly, where was he when he's wife (Landon's Mother) was trying to kill everyone? And why was she? For her attacking Landon, that's understandable, but why the kids? 
          Was it because they were the man's kids and she felt both disgusted and enraged when the man and Landon had sex? 
          And why just one? Why didn't she attack the others?  I mean, I know that's kinda messed up but just think about it, she had the opportunity to attack the others, especially when Landon left, so why didn't she? If she truly wanted to kill everything relating to the man? And what about his sister?
          And why didn't the man's sister do anything about it? Weren't they all in the same room? So the two that ended up getting married were just gonna watch Landon's mom kill everyone without doing a thing?!
          Also, what about the operator on the phone? ☎️ Why didn't she do anything? She didn't even send a policeman to investigate?!  And when Landon left, why didn't anyone attend to the call?  So they just lived with an almost murderer but didn't say a thing? And what about counseling for the other kids? Who knows if they'd grow with trauma or something? The kids didn't even have much part to play in this so why were they included? Like, at all? And tell me the man was ok with Landon just taking away one of his kids, right? Another reason why he's not supposed to get married or have them, in the first place. 


About My Mom's Boyfriend: 
          Honestly, the story's crazy . And Super MESSED UP!!! 
          Like for example, why exactly was he's father mad at him, for liking both genders? if he's own Father was disappointed and disgusted in him, then why did he ra*e or se*ually as*ualt him, severally? Which also means that his father became the type of person he (his father) hated the most. So he could've just sat and talked to him after that but chose not to? Why didn't his father just kick him out?  Why didn't he run away? Why didn't he find a life to live after he came out? So he just stayed at home all day everyday? and for what? To get beaten again?  And where was his father going all morning? Not like he had a life (job, or something) outside with his inside (his behavior) like that. If he did, why didn't anyone come looking for him? At any point in time, not even just one person.
          Firstly, how did he travel?! His mum didn't send any money to him.  He wasn't working, even if he was, he'd only have about enough to get by and he's dad probably, no - most likely would've taken it to buy beer or something.


I was thinking about to doing a Louis x Legoshi story, where Legoshi attacks Louis instead of Haru, but I was thinking to get you guy's opinion first, I know some enjoy my stories and some don't but, I'm not that good at writing yet but I plan to be anyways, I was also thinking of doing a Zuko x Aang story. 
          Which do you want me to publish first? Zuko x Aang? Or Legoshi x Louis? 
          That's all my cuties, stay awesome, safe and gay if you are (=