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Fourthly, she knew something was off about Landon and the man, she saw the signs , why didn't she question them then? Why didn't she do anything about it?
Fifth, Why did she try to kill? She couldn've just broken up with the man, or kicked Landon out.
Sixth, why was she still staying with the man later on.. before he broke up with her? After Landon left, when she knew what was done was irreversible and that she was never going to forgive it?
Seventh, Are you telling me that no one else saw the pregnancy tests in the garbage, other than Landon? So that means that they didn't bother throwing out the trash ️ or cleaning up the room for like three years?!
Eighth, Are you telling me that the man's sister was in the house this whole time, but didn't know what was going on between the other three?! Because, I'm sure she did, she couldn't have been that clueless no matter how dumb you made her out to be. At least she must've sensed something, like that dinner time, and just put 2 n' 2 together. So why did she end up marrying her brother anyway?!