
//Not me making another comic with TeuTemp in my freetime rn even though I should learn maths.
          	Buuuut anyways, I need to draw angst and gore for Halloween as I don't celebrate it anyway but I want some spooky vibes around me rn. 


//I headcanon Knights Templar's human name to be "Gabriel" as it's not only the name of a biblical figure of an archangel (which would suit based on the fact he's a Christian order and that Aph Knights Templar is described to be angelic in some way) but also because it's one of the most popular French boy names and Knights Templar is from French origin.
          His Nyo could be called: Christa (personal favourite) , Gabriéle (just the female version of the male name) or Emma (most popular girl name in France but I already headcanon Belgium to be called Emma therefore I stick to Christa) 


//I may have talked about it on my main rp account @Innocent_Austria but lemme share this story here as well:
          TW: blood, m!rder
          There is a legend about the Knights Templar that they owned some residences in Vienna in the 14th century next to the Teutonic Knights' headquarters.
          After king Philip IV officially dissolved the Knights Templar's order it is said that some of them were murdered in their Viennese residences and that their blood was streaming through one specific lane like a river. Only a few of them managed to flee to the Teutonic Knights.
          Since then, according to the legend, the lane is called "Blutgasse" or "blood lane" if you wanna translate it. It is also said that there still exist some treasures in this lane. 
          The story is proven to be just a legend as there weren't any Templar knights in Austria.


//Did I revamp this account again?
          Yes. Yes I did. 


// ooh, looks nice! //


//Apparently, Liechtenstein demanded Czech Republic to give back the possessions they lost after WW2.
          Czechia refused and reasoned it with them being Germans. (probably bc Germans lost the war, so the possessions are lost and belong to the Czechs)
          But the people in Liechtenstein aren't German, they are Liechtensteins. 
          Now Liechtenstein contacted the European Court of Justice because of it. 
          Someone in Liechtenstein said it's because they disregarded the sovereignty of Liechtenstein and the identity of their people. 


//It's Liechtenstein's birthday today, yay!


@Innocent_Liechtie happy belated birthday,Lili


          The moment Liechtenstein cuts her hair symbolises her final step of switching from living with Austria to living with Switzerland.
          Before the first World War Liechtenstein was bonded to Austria the same way she's now bonded to Switzerland but that definitely didn't work out as Liechtenstein suffered from hunger very much throughout history.
          After cutting this once close bond with Austria she decided living with Switzerland and gave him all the privileges the Austrians once had.
          That means cutting her hair could symbolise her new beginning with Switzerland. 


            //I know-
            *totally didn't do that herself 3 years ago*


            //In Asia cutting your hair also means letting go of memories which is why China keeps his hair long. 


            //I know but Liechtenstein really had a rough time when living with Austria.
            I think during the Napoleonic wars the French marched through Liechtenstein and ate quite a bit which lead to a famine throughout the whole country.
            Like, imagine it in Hetalia.
            France eats Liechtenstein's last piece of food and Liechtenstein probably didn't do anything against it because she's just too nice. 