"I really do deserve more credit for not acting on the evil, twisted thoughts that run my mind on a daily basis...."
Hello there~ Here is a smol little portion of information about me....
I'm Part Ghoul....and I crave for human flesh but, that is not what I wish upon myself.. I speak my mind and if I offend you with the truth don't get pissed.
I didn't have many friends. That didn't bother me, until I met these people:
@NelzIshAwesome @EthanIsEggcellent
...I Am My Demon...
I Won't any longer hide my true appearance...I will be a tragedy...I will be YOUR Tragedy hehehe.......
I don't enjoy being asked about my true self...(old self) Whom i used to be or still am there is little hope you'll find the light inside me when all I have is pure darkness... "Black isn't bad Black is Poetic..."
This is as far as I will talk about myself you want to know more ask her/me.....Don't expect me to be nice just because, she IS I don't like her kindness, I despise it then again I despise almost everything.. Only My Kind Will Understand Me... Well What are you waiting for here she is:
She is part of me yes but, that doesn't matter..Call me two faced how ever you want..I don't care just don't give me pitty...
Anyway, Enough about her...If you Understand me you'll join me and we will be in this TOGETHER...........heh.....
~So welcome to hell everyone~
*Winks* Have Fun.......
- BergabungJanuary 12, 2017
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