
It is so early in the morning and I doubt ANYONE will respond- but yk, we gonna post mf starter anywayss//
          	Coal sat crosslegged on top of the big house roof, a place she often climbed up on to watch the campers who bustled below.
          	She had just finished a shift in the infirmary and was just looking for something to do or someone to annoy. She stretched slightly, waiting for someone to pay mind to her and her placement.


@-darkhxmor She just smiled slightly and continued eating her pixie stick


@flxwrchild Coal waves back making her almost fall down- she was excited that someone had finally noticed her.


          	  Tessa was walking by, eating a pixie stick. She saw Coal and waved


It is so early in the morning and I doubt ANYONE will respond- but yk, we gonna post mf starter anywayss//
          Coal sat crosslegged on top of the big house roof, a place she often climbed up on to watch the campers who bustled below.
          She had just finished a shift in the infirmary and was just looking for something to do or someone to annoy. She stretched slightly, waiting for someone to pay mind to her and her placement.


@-darkhxmor She just smiled slightly and continued eating her pixie stick


@flxwrchild Coal waves back making her almost fall down- she was excited that someone had finally noticed her.


            Tessa was walking by, eating a pixie stick. She saw Coal and waved


Axel was walking by in his Riordan Academy uniform. He accidentally bumped into Coal.


            "My best was just fine
            How I tried, how I tried to be great for you
            I'm flawed by design and you love to remind me
            No matter what I do"


            She listned quietly. Loving the way it aounded so far depite the sad meaning behind the lyrics. She knew this song would most likely get stuck in her mind for the next few days.


            "I'm the first to say that I'm not perfect
            And you're the first to say you want the best thing
            But now I know a perfect way to let you go
            Give my last hello, hope it's worth it
            Here's your perfect"


Coal shifted light carefully with her hands, making it shine in different directions, occasionally succeeding in making a shape with it.


Coal was very easy to follow considering the amount if stomps and angry huffing she was making.


            //If i disappear it's because I am very tired right now//
            Coal makes a scene of walking in. Her steps seemed a lot more like stomps.


            She shrugged slightly. 
             "Sure thing, " She says, sounding mischievous.


a small token of kindness (18th March 2022) 
          a rose from thorn-like death, a stone of heart and a comb of hell, a marker of prejudice, a hall of fright, 
          destiny clad in archer's arrow, a moment of pride, kith and kin, lies, lotuses and legacies, foreign homes and ginger tragedies. 
          fragile skins and paper cuts, laws martyred, twilight sun; clinking pedants, olive guilts; dusty hands and blackberry fingertips. autumn of march, buried hopes; leaves lost to skin, a ground of boiling blood. pear yearnings, spring of fall; cavalier sun and half moon echoes. 
          marionberry garnet and ruby hearts; fire-like worship, drowning soils. mulberry blood, violent rugs; gardens of night, orchids of flesh. congested wounds, salted shores; lakes of tourmaline, valleys of balsam. bread and sanctuaries abandoned,  cinnamon paper and ochre canvases. 
          deer-like details, fogged empathy; rosary of the waves, prayers of the cliff of throat. bruised knuckles, clay air; riverbed séances, grief burns. crescent universe, a child's veil; rosy vessel, magnolia dirt. whether soaked in water or blood, a heart behind the ribs is still a prisoner in a prison. 