
Hi So some of yall know I "did" use to write  2 fan fics I just want to let yall know I'm re started those storys/ delete them and only doing one for know but I want to have a fresh start on Wattpad,  so if any of yall who did read those 3 chapters I'm sorry if u even like them , tbh I didn't know what I was writing tbh 
          	(This was was post from my server its just a copy message, I post there first  and where I'm most active if yall haven't joun it yet the link is below)


Hi So some of yall know I "did" use to write  2 fan fics I just want to let yall know I'm re started those storys/ delete them and only doing one for know but I want to have a fresh start on Wattpad,  so if any of yall who did read those 3 chapters I'm sorry if u even like them , tbh I didn't know what I was writing tbh 
          (This was was post from my server its just a copy message, I post there first  and where I'm most active if yall haven't joun it yet the link is below)


Hey I know I haven't wrote any parts for Mt 2 books, I been quite busy and I haven't able to come up with chapters just know I might post parts but they won't be fast, 
          Also we have a discord server for the HP/ HL /SB and even Quidditch champions, there server name is "Amortentia"  we have over 100 members in it, it's a quiet but lovely server, everyone is welcome (must be 18+, might change in the future) 
          https://discord.gg/gAH5mNxPhj <- is the link or Add xBlueCountry on Discord, and I invite you 
          But i just wanted to let you know why I haven't been able to make any new chapters, my brain can't come up with anything and I been busy