Hey guys I need some help. I'm going to be writing this summer after I'm done with my room but my friend and boyfriend are starting a YouTube channel and they really need help getting started, they have a couple videos up and I probably joining them in this as well for a bit. If any of you are into gaming and like that stuff them please check them out and help us. This is my boyfriend's dream and he doesn't think that they will actually be good but I think they will in time. I know I've been distracted form the writing and I'm sorry but can you guys do this one favour for me and them, please go to the channel ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoQAPZEM8sa3iDLU9tiawVQ ) and just watch their first couple videos. It'll make them feel really and keep them doing YouTube. You guys don't have to if you want but it would be really nice if you could. Thanks I'm going to start writing when my internet gets better, love you guys.