@Apocalyptice I'm so so so sorry darling... no one deserves to go through what you had to endure.. You should've let us know .. at least gave us a lead instead of a vent message, even so.. we loved the time you were here with us, though were all sad your gone, some for reasons that are important, (Family) Some for reasons that are not so important, (fans-No Offense) Fly High My Dear, Fly High, High Above the clouds where no one can hurt you, High above all the dirty, gross beings that only loved you because they benefited from you when you were alive, now that your gone, the people who did or didn't know you well, can remember you for a very long time, and if you are alive and still with us, just taking a break, take all the time you need, just let us know your here.
"And Shall the day ever come that we are not together, You will continue to shine like gold, in our memories."
Fly. High. Queen.