when your mail lady consistently delivers your packages to the wrong houses and now you have no idea where your package of books are and so you solve the problem with crying
Not sure how many of my followers are fans of metalcore or death metal but I found a really good band called Imminence. If your into metalcore listen to their song Sickness. It's an amazing song. Also I sorta need someone to talk to about metalcore because practically nobody that I know in real life likes metalcore or death metal. So if you know of any good metalcore bands let me know please
I started watching the anime Japan Sinks 2020.... the art is extremely soft but the plot.... the plot is pure trauma and depression. This anime is more traumatizing to me than the book Battle Royale by Koushun Takami which is basically Lord of the Flies meets The Hunger Games but more graphic and disturbing!
So me being the dumbass I am ate enough cheese that I got my stupid lactose intolerant ass sick.... I almost threw up in a Walmart parking lot and am now banned from having cheese for a month