
It's time to abandon this account I have no reason to stay here this account has nothing much left to offer me thanks for staying for the ride but as the last one remaining it's time to wish fairwell to this account 


Sup guys this is DarkBronyG0D also known as Rainbow Dash7757 me and two friends probably are going to be posting a video on my channel with me showing my face for once the channel name is DarkBronyG0D and I kinda need your help see we're doing a have you ever video and if we don't answer with I have or never truly we get to slap the other backhand or forehand other known as pimp slap or bitch slap anyway we need questions with the starter have you ever and if you guys do this you will get a shout out for your wattpad username or your YouTube channel or both thx for taking your time to do this guys and if you don't do this thx for taking your time to read this


you a girl or boy ?


I just realized I didn't answer this properly there's one girl two guys three people share this account 


I'm so excited guys anyway on the 31 of October which is my B-Day I will not be mentioning my age because well I don't know how people would react I'm not like ten but I am in my teens and I'm in high school if you want y'all can guess how old I will be turning but anyway back to the important stuff Troy will be posting the first chapter of why is finding love so difficult one on his channel once I get the video I will post the link here and the video will be posted on his channel on YouTube his channel is Troy Destroyed MySpace for those who are wondering so if you don't want to be waiting the video should be posted 3-4 o'clock I know crazy but he doesn't want his parents to hear him reading it and then posting it ya know so yeah that's it stay awesome my fellow Bronys and Pegasisters I salute you


15 actually but close lol XD sorry I saw this late 