
Hey y’all! What’s up? I was just thinking, so I’ve been writing and editing numerous things for a little spin-off series of my story, and I just wanna see your guys’ thoughts on it. Who would wanna see more about Rainfall’s past? The way her story is unfolding as the humbled adult woman, whom originated as a seemingly troubled bad girl— who would like to hear more about it? Would y’all be interested in the spin-off series about her upbringing and life as a teenager? I have quite a bit of stuff done for it already and I wanna know, would y’all consider it worth a read? I also have little art bits attached with it so there’s that too  Lemme know, y’all! Love y’all, and ‘til next time


@AppleDash_is_back Well, The stories I make I mostly focus on the main characters. But it's your story, so go for it! Plus, revealing things about the side characters makes the story even better! Because not only your focusing on the main characters, you're focusing on the side characters too. After all, The story is told in third person, so why not reveal Rainfall's past to us! :D


Hey y’all! What’s up? I was just thinking, so I’ve been writing and editing numerous things for a little spin-off series of my story, and I just wanna see your guys’ thoughts on it. Who would wanna see more about Rainfall’s past? The way her story is unfolding as the humbled adult woman, whom originated as a seemingly troubled bad girl— who would like to hear more about it? Would y’all be interested in the spin-off series about her upbringing and life as a teenager? I have quite a bit of stuff done for it already and I wanna know, would y’all consider it worth a read? I also have little art bits attached with it so there’s that too  Lemme know, y’all! Love y’all, and ‘til next time


@AppleDash_is_back Well, The stories I make I mostly focus on the main characters. But it's your story, so go for it! Plus, revealing things about the side characters makes the story even better! Because not only your focusing on the main characters, you're focusing on the side characters too. After all, The story is told in third person, so why not reveal Rainfall's past to us! :D


Holy shite! 7k READS?!?!?! Y’all are FAR too nice to me!!! Thank you so much for everybody whom has stuck by even though life gets busy and stories get put on hold because of it, and delays and just everything! Y’all are what makes this happen; a writer is nothing without their readers, so thank you so much to everybody and know that chapter 29 is in the works:) Love y’all! ❤️


you deserve them ! your story is so cool and soft, a safe place<3


this message may be offensive
Hello lovelies! Just wanted wanted to let y’all know a few things!
          1) I AM NOT DEAD! I know y’all probably thought I’d taken a horrible fall down the staircase and snapped my neck on the way down— ultimately killing me. But! I didn’t. Or at least— I lived. Teehee!
          2) I am working on the next chapter! Slowly but surely I’m getting it done! School has been a bitch, work has been hustling my ass; I’m working three jobs, at the moment so yay me hehehe. But I am slowly getting it done. I’m sorry for the long gaps in between updates, however I’d rather give no writing than shitty writing, ya know? Anywhooo! It is being worked on! I swear!
          Which brings us to…
          3) Thank you so much for all the support, patience, kindness, and understanding that y’all do! I love reading all of your comments even though I may not respond to them all. I love y’all tons, and I’m not abandoning nothin’ and no one, alright? So don’t y’all worry about a thing! 
          Lots of love! Stay funky! ❤️


@AppleDash_is_back Can't wait for the next chapter! I'm glad to know you're still alive xD Take your time and have a great day!


HEY YALL!!! GUESS WHOSE PRETTY SURE SHE SOLVED THE GLITCH?!?! THAT’S RIGHT! YALL GUESSED IT!!! THIS BITCH! Lmfao anywho, just wanted to let y’all know that I think I fixed it, and that chapter 27 SHOULD be up now! Love y’all infinity ❤️❤️❤️


Hey y’all! I’m so sorry for the no update!! My Wattpad has been glitching apparently because I uploaded chapter 27 two days ago, and then when I checked today, it didn’t come up. So I tried again, and then it instantly disappeared. Don’t worry! I will be getting my brother to help me fix it! The only downside to that is that my brother is booked for the next couple days cause of work and all. So!!!! Never fear!!! The problem shall be cleared!!! ❤️ (Love y’all, I’m so sorry)


@AppleDash_is_back  i see this message right now, so, don't worry, im so happy for the chapter 27!!


Did this even post? The glitch has been bad man…