
To the man I once loved. 
          	This is how I feel every night, how I used to love you even though I know that your existence is just temporary, and I was already attached on you even though i know that you're still in love with her. I hate myself for letting you enter in my life. I miss those nights when we talk until dawn and never notice the time. I hope you know that I'm still thinking of you and those moments we shared together. Memories of ours are still vivid and it's slowly killing me inside. You're now happy but I'm still trapped inside the circle of our memories. You help me forget my sadness and heal the wounds in my heart that caused by my past, but you've also replace it by your own creation and once again left me broken into pieces that i couldn't fix. If we meet again in the future, don't worry  i am strong enough to face the demon you've cause me. Thank you for making me a stronger and wiser woman. Thank you for breaking my heart and wake me up in the reality that you're not really deserving. Thank you for ignoring me and make me feel down for years cause if you didn't do it maybe i am stuck  and being prison from my own fantasy that doesn't really exists and impossible to exist. Thank you because you break my heart and I found the one that complete the puzzle you've made. Until we meet again.
          	By : Mae Villanueva


To the man I once loved. 
          This is how I feel every night, how I used to love you even though I know that your existence is just temporary, and I was already attached on you even though i know that you're still in love with her. I hate myself for letting you enter in my life. I miss those nights when we talk until dawn and never notice the time. I hope you know that I'm still thinking of you and those moments we shared together. Memories of ours are still vivid and it's slowly killing me inside. You're now happy but I'm still trapped inside the circle of our memories. You help me forget my sadness and heal the wounds in my heart that caused by my past, but you've also replace it by your own creation and once again left me broken into pieces that i couldn't fix. If we meet again in the future, don't worry  i am strong enough to face the demon you've cause me. Thank you for making me a stronger and wiser woman. Thank you for breaking my heart and wake me up in the reality that you're not really deserving. Thank you for ignoring me and make me feel down for years cause if you didn't do it maybe i am stuck  and being prison from my own fantasy that doesn't really exists and impossible to exist. Thank you because you break my heart and I found the one that complete the puzzle you've made. Until we meet again.
          By : Mae Villanueva


The question she always asks herself every day;
          "When you look outside the window, what did you saw?"
          And the answer remains the same;
          "A girl, a young girl who trapped between her world and the outside world, with her eyes held so much loneliness and emptiness"


Hi lovelies..
          It's been a while 
          Firstly, sa mau minta maaf byk2 sbb laaaamaa tida update.
          Ada juga yg msg sa tanya mna tu chapter 30. Sbnarnya begini cerita dia, Chapter 30 suda sa update hjung bln 7 tp tida dpt publish, sa publish ja trus hilang smpaila dia terus hilang
          Sa pun xtau knpa bgtu, chapter last yg sa hbis kan berbulan2 untuk tulis last2 hlg bgtu saja, dan sa xda save d mana2 kcuali d wattpad. Terus sa rasa fed up..Skg sa sdg tulis balik tp feeling dia tetap x rasa sama dgn yg pertama sa tulis
          Lastly, thank you sama kamu yang tetap setia menanti sambungan.


@AprealPearl Ya sis sedih sa ni..sllu sa npk post2 penulis yg kna begini last2 sa pun kena juga


@AprealPearl maigad..ptt la xdapat load


Hello lovelies 
          I know its been awhile since my last update so i hereby offer you my great apologies.
          The reasons of my lateness are first, i want to develop more feeling than words on my story thus, i have to re-write chapter 20 so many times because lacks of feeling in the chapter 20. But i can assure you that i will finish chapter 20 in 2 or 3 days.
          Secondly, im working on new story. But the title haven't been decided yet. Currently im in the stage of making the plot. My new story will be romance genre too but the female character is the opposite of Rowena Rivera.
          I hope my story will bring happiness and hope to all of you, hope to searching for your soul mate or true love ❤ 
          Your stargazer;
          Rowena Rivera River 
          May an eternity love will forever be with us.