
I don't think you understand. Like, I... LOVE YOU!! I think about your flubbing story ALL THE TIME, it's a problem. That's a compliment, you literally live rent free in my head 24/7, it's sad at this point ohmygooooodddd-


@mysterious_cockroach oh my gosh  I’m starting to believe you now. The brain space to remember to come back here every year is amazing and appreciated


2\2\24 my statement still stands


I love your stories, I die for your slow burns. You should definitely do an original story one day (with a slow burn of course )


I uh ☺️ thank you  I’m really glad that you have enjoyed my stories and my agonizing slow burns. One of the main reasons I began writing was because I couldn’t find the stories I wanted to read and one of my main complaints was the OC always getting together with the main character way too quickly. I love going the more realistic route and taking my time trying to build a relationship and I just personally found those stories were hard to come by. Honestly I don’t think I’ll ever write an original story, I just don’t have the ideas for it, and I also suck at actually getting things done (as evidenced by 3/4 books being unfinished). Instead I try and put my story into the fanfiction and appreciate the characters that I am borrowing for already being so great (although sometimes a pain in the butt to work with … DEAN). Anywhooo. Thank you so so much for this. It means a lot to me ❤️


I absolutely love your spn story it's one of the only good spn story with wolf or something and said up all night reading it it's currently 1:30am let me know when you Wright more it 


Aww thank you so much!! That takes some serious dedication to stay up that late .  Sadly I am super busy with school and don’t have a lot of time to write but the good news is I finally felt inspired enough to start writing again. That being said it will probably be about a month before I start updating again. 


When will the unexpected be taken off hold, I love it to much !!!


Yayyy ok thank youuu haha


First of all very impressed with the dedication to send a message instead of a comment. Anyway here’s the deal. So I write when I’m inspired and that’s when my stuff actually is half decent. If I write when I’m not inspired it sucks. So here’s the good news: I have a few chapters written. But the bad news: I’m missing the one chapter that connects the last update with the rest of that stuff. And I’ve been struggling to come up with something for that chapter. Back to good news: I may have an idea I just got to think if our a little more to see if I like it. 
            So after all that rambling: my goal is to update before August 1st. 
            I’m so glad that you like it though! It honestly started as a joke with my friend because of how many tony daughter stories there were and I didn’t really like any of them so she told me to write my own!
            Haha thanks for reading all this have a great day 