
HAPPY NEW YEARS! It's a whole NEW DECADE! So many new possibilities for the new year! I wish everyone a happy new year and happy night! I can't wait to see what the new year has in store, hopefully good things. Hopefully this is a good year. Have a wonderful night everyone! And I wish you a good, happy year!


Happy New Years!!


HAPPY NEW YEARS! It's a whole NEW DECADE! So many new possibilities for the new year! I wish everyone a happy new year and happy night! I can't wait to see what the new year has in store, hopefully good things. Hopefully this is a good year. Have a wonderful night everyone! And I wish you a good, happy year!


Happy New Years!!


*wheeze* Hey what's up I'm liveing? I've been inactive really, unless in PMs, for maybe.. two? Three months? I just have been dealing with some stuff and I just haven't been intrested in really being online unless in PMs with a couple people or to read some books.
          I'm not going to explain why I was gone or what happened, it's not something I should or will share online. I just won't. It's a private matter. 
          Umm.. other announcements!, I am takeing my RP book down for awhile, going to be going through it, updateing it and such as well as makeing some new chapters and other things. I am not sure when it will be posted up again but I'll put it back up at somepoint, even if it takes a couple weeks. RPs that have been paused will not start again until I'm ready, the couple RPs I have been keeping up with in PMs will continue to the people I'm rping with uwu.
          I just want to get on and update some books, maybe post a One-shot in my newest book! Update the ErrorDream book a bit (finding spelling mistakes, if you see any tell me! owo I would greatly appreciate it!) fix my RP book to my likeing and so on and so forth. For those who are waiting on the ErrorDream books next chapter- it might be awhile qwq I've decided to make this chapter very long and I want to right it out well. It will be out at sometime uwu and then the bonus chapters will begin after that! uwo 
          I hope you can all understand this, and I want to thank many or you for your patience in like, dealing with me- 
          This has been your friendly neighborhood FluffyQueen signing out!~♡


Welcome back! ^o^


@AprilSnow440 its cool, we didn't even start a new rp yet so i can wait a little longer~⭐




          I'm back??
          I'm been gone for awhile! And I'm sorry for not saying anything to the people i rp with and such, I'm back now with a message! I've lost motivation. I haven't really wanted to continue rps for awhile now and I've finally decided to get back on and say something about it. I still want to rp but i just don't have motivation to continue any. I'm on a little bit of a temp leave from rping with most people now. I'm updateing my bio! On it will be a chart on when I'm rping. You can still message me anytime to rp if you want, I might not want to rp though. I'm just haveing a hard time continueing rps. 
          Anyway! This ends my thing, nice to be back :D
          Also! I'm going to be sticking to pms for now, just feel like it-


Welcome back April uwu!!!


So much OOF-
          So I've been at my aunts and uncles for about five days now spending time with time with them and my two little cousins. I came down here because it was my uncles birthday yesterday and fathers day witch i came to spend with him (for a bit of information my dad sucks- i haven't seen him in years and my stepdads suck aswell. My uncles is my father figure and i even call him dad, hes my dad at this point.) We came to this cabin that he gets a discount on or for  free- something like that- cause he's a veteran. 
          What do i do the minute me get there? Sprain my damn ankle. I was going down these rock stairs things, and i mean actually rocks with a metel railing. I was wearing flipflops (big mistake) and sliped. It hurrrt- and was swollen like a balloon. It dosen't hurt anymore but its still swollen a little bit, ice really helped and i can't walk so life just got 10x harder. There's no wifi here so i cant do anything, I'm useing my aunts mobile hotspot but it eats up her battery so i can't get on to rp. I'll try when im back at her house but that might be awhile! 
          Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I'll be back on when i can!


Oofers! Feel well!


Gtg for a bit! Im going to make some pies uwu


 @DarknessFollows_User sadly not! I wanna try it one day though-
            I mean-
            Can i have some grape filling with that- *cough* thatissobad- *cough*