, I didn’t have a account at this time, so I can’t be for sure on what I was doing or reading, but I swear I read stories on here during 2019 or so, and I can’t remember what they even were, it feels so weird just coming across stuff I said without having any memory or saying it, or knowing the person I said it to, I closed this dm so I can’t exactly just go back and check, but, stuff like this makes me wonder if I would be less confused, if I just spoke to the people around me more.
I’ll never know though, when I was 13-14, { I’m assuming when I knew them, which would be 2020-2021 } I had one person, and one person alone I only ever wanted to talk to, so I didn’t talk to much people I knew bar him.
I don’t regret that at all, but like, maybe it could’ve been different if I had a little more self awareness.
That’s in the past though, I’ve had plenty of friends who no longer speak to me, or never really got a chance to it’s not like the end of the world, obviously, it just makes me think.