Hello Everyone! So, I have a marauders fan-fiction in my drafts. I have a plan and everything, but I’m having trouble writing it. I’m hoping to get it out soon tho, so here’s the prologue as a little spoiler/teaser thing.
If you ever meet a werewolf, be careful. Most, or rather, a majority of them, love human flesh and will not hesitate to bite or scratch you. They're known for being vicious, heartless creatures that will kill you and rip you apart for sheer pleasure.
And most of them are, in their werewolf form.
But one isn't.
This werewolf is lonely, lost, and feels hopeless, after the death of her twin sister, and can't live without her. This werewolf is strong, with a fiery nature, but also has a nerdy and kind side to her.
If you meet this werewolf, you'll be much, much luckier than most. For this werewolf can control herself by hiding in a nook in her mind. She may not harm you as much. But as much as she tries to reign in the savage beast inside her, ropes only last so long.
And her ropes are snapping and breaking like dry twigs, without her sister, Delphi. Any living creature is in trouble with this werewolf. She's wary of everyone, and hides her fear and loneliness with a facade of fiery strongness.
For everyone she knows, don't stay forever. And they will never.
This werewolf has felt unbearable pain and loss and fear inside her, she's afraid for it to happen again.
But it does.
And so she hides her pain, over and over again.
And her fear, over and over again.
And the loss of her twin,
The other half of her soul.
This werewolf has felt pain so many times, that it's a surprise when happiness hits.
But it never stays for long.
In the end, all wonders leave forever.
Just like Delphi did.