I would LOVE more judges for The Heather Awards!


I plan to release an extra poem for my Valedictorian album. In Heather I said I had 20 chapters, is there any problem if I release one more? (It will be the last extra I intend to release) 


@ AprildoesCONTESTS  Okay! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)


@Misteryangel333 you can release as many poems as you want in your book during the contest, I just ask this to make sure you’re over the minimum chapter limit!


Hey, I wanted to share a concern. How would you and the judges determine Ai written content? Because some writers use it, and I'm not the only one who thinks it's unfair. 


@AprildoesCONTESTS oh you actually can tell. Try using ai to generate a passage, then study how it's written. You'll recognize all other ai written works once you try it yourself. 


@Annalisadonkor there is no real way, I’m hoping that people use the honor system but unfortunately I cannot tell if it’s ai written or just a talented author. I can have my suspicions but that’s about it. I get that this is tremendously unfair, but I’m sure that most entries are not ai generated.


@AprildoesCONTESTS  sorry Ma'am/Sir if I offended you but you have misunderstood my bio...I said that I am ready for v4v, r4r...I'm slow but I am in it...but some people they ask me to vote and follow and once I'm done...they ghost me and this follow unfollow game...I am just tired of all these things and about you well I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you....I'm genuinely sorry....