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I would rather be myself and lose than be a different person and win.

The problem is that people want a magical solution to all problems,
Yet, they refuse to believe in magic.

For the Haters: Your just jealous that the voices want to talk to ME and not you.

Gem count: 109

Since this is an about me, I guess I'll put in random crap in here.

My likes
Thousand Foot Krutch

My Dislikes
People who pretend to be friends.

I'll never say you aren't alone. I may say that someone out there may be similar to you. But everyone is different and so are there situations. I won't bother saying comforting nothing's cause it won't change anything. Life is always the same. You may change, but the torture never does. All I can do is ask you to tough it out. That's all anyone can ask.

- Aqua-Experiment

╚══'.¸ ᏦᎥᏞᏞᎥᏁᎶ ♥

I was going to give you this waffle. (>'.')>#
But then I was like.. #<('.'<)
.. I'm hungry.
So I ate it. (> #'<)
Sorry. <(^-^)>

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  • Charisk Hell
  • InscritAugust 28, 2014

Dernier message
Aqua-Experiment Aqua-Experiment Jul 21, 2016 02:17AM
@callmeblooky is pretty great. If you need someone to rant to or talk about nearly anything on your mind, go to her.
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