
          	I am working on the next chapter of my legacies wts story! I will upload it later this week.. I have more time to write now so I'll try and upload more!
          	Greetings, AquaAdella


          Someone blocked me on TikTok and I don't know why. Another person said I pissed them of because I was too nice...
          I love having discussions on TikTok over TVDU, and when I do I'm respectful because everyone has their own opinion. Apperantly you have to be mean to other people otherwise they become irritated.
          So the person who blocked me was mean and rude, and when they said I annoyed them I said sorry that was not my intention, that comment led to them blocking me...
          I really have no idea what I did wrong in this situation, I try and be respectful. I'm really conflicted right now and I am confused.
          Have any of you been in this kind of situation?
          Anyway, I hope you all have the most wonderful day!
          Greetings, AquaAdella.


@AquaAdella Hey, it sounds like that person just wanted to argue and when you didn’t provide that for them they lashed out. Don’t worry about it. Have a wonderful day


          I just wanted to give you all a little update...
          I'm working on 2 chapters this moment, the flashback of my Legacies WTS and The Masquerade Ball of my Hybrid Witch WTS...
          I honestly want to work on one chapter at a time but my ADHD won't LISTEN and I just don't have the concetration to work on one project at a time...
          I try to upload as much as I can, but I'm not rushing myself. 
          Anyway, I had a whole discussion on TikTok with someone over the vampire diaries, it was pretty fun. 
          What would you like to see in my Legacies and The Hybrid Witch WTS?
          I hope you have a wonderful day!
          Greetings, AquaAdella.


          I published a mini chapter! I am now working on the next chapter, it will be the rest of the second episode so it will be a long one!
          I am officialy out of my writers block! My mental health is still not great but I am going to try to publish one or two chapters a week...
          Also I have added a storyline for pyromancers, something that connects them to dragons... 
          Anyway if you have any suggestions of something you like to see, please let me know!
          I hope you all have the most amazing day!
          Greetings, AquaAdella.