
Man, not a single vote on chapter 10. Was it that bad? I'm sorry, guys. Well, I hope that chapter 11 will please you more, as a huge chunk of plot unfolds. Also, the truth will be revealed... ;)


for the 1 or 2 of the only 4 followers I have so far, in case you don't already know, I'm in the process of writing an actual story now. It's not a high school biography or anything. it's based off of a video game. as to which game, you'll have to wait and see. Chapter 1 will be published Friday, November 20th (my birthday). After that, chapters will be published every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I hope people love this story as much as I have loved making it so far. This will be the first story in a six-story series. Are you ready for Freddy?