I want to apologize to everyone for not being very active as of late (or for the few things that I did write being crappy) my year has been really horable. I have two girls that go to my school (a tinny privet girls school) boarding at my house which would have been fine except partway through the year one of them lost her father. I don't know if I mentioned this to anyone but I have selfconvidence issues and someone who isn't even part of my family taking what little positive attention I get from my mother hurt me a lot. Then someone that my family is really close with passed away, and a few weeks ago one of my cousins passed away also. Sadly I am the lest affected by my cousin because he had severe special needs and I had absolutely no relationship with him. I am not saying all this for pitty and I don't want any, I just felt that I should explain my prolonged absence.