
Oh word? 


Hey guys, gals, and anything inbetween. I'm going to be changing my profile and content a lot. Most of the things you see on here were from me two years ago. It's time I make some changes since I haven't been very happy with how my account has been lately. Sorry if you were really attached to this silly character account I made -jenga


HeY bRoS, sO mY aCcOuNt HaS gOtTeN a BiT cOnFuSiNg FoR mE, sO i'M gOnNa GiVe It A mOtHeRgLuBbInG rEdO. I'lL tRy To KeEp ThE sAmE nAmE, sO yOu'Ll KnOw WhIcH tAnK tO vIsIt :o)


@Aquariumstuck_Gamzee )ooo(kay Gamzee!! i'll be sure t)ooo( visit y)ooo(ur tank when i can!!