Hey, sorry I haven't been updating lately but 1. there's an almighty storm (storm Desmond )2. I'm really sick (and mentally challenged )3. Christmas exams are coming up soon,but I do need your help,im creating short name story's, like give me a name,a back story, and a theme (sad,happy,romance, kidnapped, suicide, young love, school,bullying, everyday life ) so to be clear
1. The name of book will be called (Ella,Adem, Kayla, whatever name you ask) the full story will be dedicated to you and/or who ever you want
2.a back story of the character,what happened to her/him? where did it start,and if so how did it end?
3. I need a place,say for example it's romance then maybe it's set/starts in a coffee shop or etc depending on what YOU want me to write
4. I need to know if it was a happy ending,romantic ending, sad ending,or the life of the character ending, I need to know the mood of the story
so that's it PLEASE RESPOND HERE TO THIS UPDATE OR ON PRIVATE MESSAGE, PLEASE DO,I CAN'T DO THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP,I'll be surprised if anyone is still reading this so
slan (bye) ,Longers