Okay, this is crazy. I woke up this morning, annoyed from the allergies I'd had all day yesterday (which made it impossible to write) and I noticed that I had notifications for Wattpad. A lot of notifications. So I opened the application and it turns out that I won @crime 's Partners in Crime contest along with @JH_Foliage for situation B!!!! I'm so overjoyed and ecstatic, as I suspect I will be for the next couple hours before the overwhelming surprise settles in. I'm so happy and grateful for this win. I submitted the scene alongside some very talented writers and I tried to read every other contestant's scene, some of which I believe deserved this more than me :) Thank you to everyone who partook in this contest and all those who watched from the sidelines, and happy writing :)
@NathalieFCanetta I saw you on the winners list! That's why I followed you! Oh, and I'm gonna check out your story right now. If you're into mystery/ crime we kinda share that! I'm writing a YA mystery novel too. Congratulations!