
Hey everyone, since i have exams a.t.m. i won't be writing. That's all i had to say. Good night/day!
          	- Artemis


hey guys! Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about our book! We're trying to think of an entry for a new character in our book, we're really sorry that it's taking so long, but we're also already planning ahead and coming up with new ideas, we have yet decided on how we're gonna introduce a new character, but you'll see soon enough! A new chapter will come online soon, be prepared! Have a nice day/night, everyone!


Hey guys! I'm currently trying to write a new book by myself, but me and Hades are still trying to make the third chapter of our book together, so no worries, it'll come out, i don't know when, but it'll come out soon, i also deaply apologize for being so inactive! 


Hi guys! Artemis here! We're really sorry for not updating the story for almost a month, but we're not feeling well right now, but we'll start updating again once we're feeling better, so dont worry, we didn't abandon the story. We'll get back on soon, we don't know when, but we will. I hope y'all have an amazing day. Until then!