
My chicken had chicks and they are so tiny and fluffy!  They’re about as big as my thumb. They’re  also weirdly friendly, so I’ve been petting them for a while. I wish chickens would stay tiny and adorable instead of growing!


I have 102 followers!!! 
          Thank you people! I obviously couldn't have done this without any of you. :) 
          I'll add the face reveal in a couple of days to see if it'll stay at 100. I'm probably only going to keep it up for a day or two when I do put it up.
          Thanks again!!!


@Bella_Foster1521 My name is Arabella. Bella is one of my many nicknames. I used to put Ara at the bottom of my messages, but it usually autocorrected to Zara and it was easier just to put Bella.


@ArabellaTheBookNerd  Wait your name is also Bella? Cool!


I was reading this and started choking from laughter when I read the last part. It caught me by surprise.


I feel better now! Yay!


          My Roblox username is ArabellaICV in case anyone wants to know. I don't know why I'm sharing this, but I am. :) If you want to friend me, please do so. 


@Tanishasingh242006 Okay. I think I did. Please tell me on the Roblox chat so I know it’s you.


Happy Independence day!
          My family went to an air show, but I'm still sick so I can't. I'm trying to feel better so that I can go to my friend's house and shoot off fireworks and play with glowsticks. I have an obsession with glowsticks. Is glowsticks one word? 


I’ve barely slept tonight! That’s nice. It’s 5:13 am for me right now. 
           I went to bed at around eleven, listened to music for a couple of hours, fell asleep for ten minutes, woke up because I have a headache, listened to more music, and now I’m here.
          Yup. Being sick rocks. 
          For whatever reason I keep getting sick every two weeks maybe. I’ll feel really bad for a couple days before feeling normal again. 
          What time is it for you? Have you slept? If you haven’t, GO TO SLEEP YA WEIRDO!!!