John. Gone Too Soon.

Deadpool And Wolverine What a blast of a movie. Such fun. Bit of blood ;). (Haha! ) Wolvey when the shirt comes off. Aussie Aussie Aussie As of today my 18yo son has been 3 times to see it already! Another son twice and the rest of us are on 1 viewing.

@ArabianKnights Ha, I WOOED out loud for Days of Future Past when you saw his bare ass. Niiiice.

@WordDreamer22 a path of destruction of some. Others got away quite lucky . A lot of mess to clear up. My mums place now deigned for 5th Jan for power :/

@nikszabo power back on so aircon is too! Thanks

@Twitterpated27 thanks.finally back on thr power. Aircon is cranked up was 102f today

Merry Sweaty Christmas all. Well Christmas Day was great but mother nature thru a hissy fit Chrissy night and decided to tear down thousands of huge trees, 1100 or more powelines, nearly sweep me off the road as I got home from din dins at my sisters & now.. here I sit off the power since Christmas night. Hot Hot Hot and a mess in the yard to clean too. No power til possibly 31st :/ Anyway.. hope you had a great day!

@ArabianKnights Oh how terrible! I hope everything gets better soon! Glad you're okay!

A great overview if the Australian leg of the tour with a few nuggets of extras thrown in. Love the newspaper bylines throughout. https://www.paulmccartney.com/news/for-whom-the-bell-tells-got-back-australia-tour-2023?fbclid=IwAR1MtPaUS2T2bpF_5z1MyLmWjgBXsurHcebDGjkEelS6ci0WvZrCCEHn8aM

My daughter. I'm at a crossroad of making her go back to mainstream sch to try & encourage her to get back into the world. Her year at distance Ed, yr10 - 16yo in Dec., has been detrimental to her learning- she won't work, hardly submits. Etc (she promised she would do sch work if we let her DE). She is even more isolated and not interested in going out AT ALL. Career- well if she can be a florist from her bedroom we'll be ok... she's booked to her first paed appt, first avail, august 2024! She drips sarcasm, threatens to call cops so much as touch her. Will it end. Or will I quit first. I'm sorry to vent. I feel very useless, and a horrible mother with her atm. If stay at DE next year how do I get her supervised for yr11/12exams (she won't go anywhere) & come on, actually getting her 'doing' the work. I'm at a loss. 5 kids, 36yo down to her. She's the hardest. I'm tired. Her 17yo bro wants to quit his final year too so I have that going on too. Fun times. Sorry to vent again- No where else to do so.

Earworm warning ⚠️ I know it's true It's all because of you And, if I make it through It's all because of you

@MadameTango no I haven't head Neil's album I'll have to go listen . The Finn boys were big Beatles fans as I recall too.

@ArabianKnights haha I'm not feeling it. Have you heard Neil Finn's out of silence album - this song feels like it could have been in the running to make that album.