Muchos estan diciendo que las historias que escribo no son mias. Y es verdad.. yo nunca dije que lo eran, solo las queria adaptar porque es una historia increible, las verdadera autora tiene una imaginacion tremenda. La admiro.. Otros me estan insultando diciendome que soy una farsante, etc.. Es que no hay muchas historias sobre Spencer y queria adaptar esta y muchas mas.. pero no se si ustedes ahora querrán.. solo les digo que, lo siento por no decirles la verdad y queria pedirle a la VERDADERA autora si no le importaria si la sigo... y claro si es que ustedes quieren que la siga.. Atte: AraceliMartinez491
@AraceliMartinez491 I am the author of the Spencer Reid series that you are translating WITHOUT my consent. What you are doing IS illegal. If you would have asked me to translate it, I would have maybe said yes, but only if on every chapter that you stated it wasn't your novel, but mine. I don't see anywhere on the story that it is mine. I would like for you to please take both novels down. Thank you.