@Aradhil ack I forgot about Oh, No! That one is brill too. Yeah my tumblr is pandaguts.tumblr.com (you can tell I am at the height of creativity with names) yours?
@PandaGuts Mine are probably Teen Idle and Oh No, also, you have tumblr?? ^^'' Oh I also really like How to be a heart breaker (I'm too lazy to capitalise every letter heh heh)~~
@PandaGuts Ahh, no way?! She is the oracle hihi~ What's your favourite song? ; v ; Oh and no problem with following you, you are an amazing writer and such so~~ ^^;; <3
How to Be a Heartbreaker and Teen Idle is probably up there being my faves but Bubblegum Bitch and Sex Yeah are bloody great. And Primadonna. Basically all of them, really.
She's fab.
And aww, thank you, that means a lot <3!