
Depressed. That's pretty much the best way to describe it.


Damn. Your profile is really touching, and I followed you, even though it seems like you aren't active.
          I know how it feels to be depressed, and stay strong. Things get better, I've heard. I guess we can only wait and find out.
          <3 If you ever need one to talk to, message me.


my.. I didn't know what happened to Justin until just now. I didn't really /know/ him and it's upsetting, so I can't even fathom how those who did- especially you, as his best friend- feel. 
          One thing I must insist is that it's not your fault. Somehow, someway, you may have been able to do.something else, but it's apparent you couldn't have. What counts is that you tried. His mum's note said that you helped him so much, made him happy. You were saving him, even before that moment, and you succeeded, Aras. Remember that.
          It's admirable that you're going strong even after this. Depression is like drowning.. But despite all that, you're trying to stay afloat. Don't give up.
          I'm not sure how active you are, if you'll read this, or if you'll ever want to talk. But I had the urge to say something, and I'll be here if you do too.
          I'm also sorry if this does more harm than help. Take each day at a time, and have a good one today. @ArasTheSandstorm


Its all my fault.  I let down my best friend.  I am a terrible person.  I regret the fact I couldn't save you Justin.  Everything is going to be so weird when school stars back up.  I can't accept the thought of being here without you, and knowing it was my fault.  I didn't stop you in time.  I should have called your mom before driving over there.  I should have done a million other things.  Not what i did.  What i did lead to you dying.  And I can't live with that. I'm so sorry.  I really am.


Were all Here for you Aras it was not your fault. You showed you cared by going to his house & saving him even if it was for that litle time ....  Your not a terrible person if anything your brave. Very Very brave. Don't let guilt eat you alive . You did a great thing. He will always remember his dedicated bestfriend. 
            If u ever need anything or feeling guilty PM me. I'm here :'/


It's not your fault...He would appreciate what you've done for've been a wonderful friend to him...and if he was here...he wouldn't want to see you blaming strong for Justin..He would want you to keep your head up high and live life to the've been a great friend to him... :)