
Hiiii…. Yeah, I didn’t keep up on my promise much did I?
          	I’m sorry, but I genuinely can’t guarantee I’ll be posting much. I /know/ it’s been four months but I can’t force myself to write when I don’t want to.
          	I’m trying to get myself motivated by planning out the next chapters so I’m not going in blind, but it’s only helping a little.
          	I’ll try my best to continue this story, but please don’t pester me about it :(


@Arasshu uzi im getting worried not just about if the book will discontinue but about you :(


@Arasshu Give yourself some time to do other stuff alright? Like fun stuff, idk. Maybe get into a new fandom or revisit an old one for a refreshment thingie, sometimes you get tired of Murder Drones and stuff so yeah, etc etc.


@Arasshu  don't worry about it takes your time just keep up the good work I'm sure you can make it.


So if anyone is coming back here to she if she updated yet, she hasn’t. 
          However, she has made a Ao3 account. To be absolutely clear, I’m not going to link it because I just don’t want her to get bombarded with comments asking her to recontinue the x reader books.
          I’m just putting this out there for the record to let you all know that she seems to be doing fine. 
          I doubt she’s going to come back to this app, even if she’s active. But despite this, she made a dope ass book, and that’s what we’re all here for in the end.


My discord is somerandomusername18,share it with me there.


What’s A03?


@Agent_ramirez what is her AO3 account? If you don’t mind me asking 


y'all, I dont think she's coming back. I've kept hope for so long but it's been a year and im starting to lose that hope.
          people kept harassing her about it on twitter. I think 'A Strange Planet' is discontinuing. let's at least hope she'll tell us if she's continuing or not so we know she left without saying anything.
          if this is really discontinued, lets maybe talk about the book and what we liked about it or something else about murder drones in memorial of the book. this is the best murder drones x reader I've ever seen, and I'm extremely heartbroken that there's a high chance it's over.


@muimii1 I’ll think about it.
            Also I didn’t respond because you didn’t tag me, notification never popped up.


also I think you should continue it for her.