Do u remember the cover u wanted me to make with a gun on it a really long time ago ? I kept putting it off because of the holidays and such and eventually i forgot what it was SUPOSED to be :(
Do u want it
If so I'm gonna need to know what u want again :(
Ps what happends if one of your aunts or somthin has another kid would u then be 12 grand babies :):):):)
Well my favorite charecter at the time was Ara from eragon (awesome books FYI) and vinus was an awesome evil XMEN so just kinda smashed together I was right so it kinda makes dens in my tiny brain :p
MY new cover i want across the top a springfeild rifle i want a news paper to cover the whole thing written on the paper i want JIM CARMICHAEL I want bullet shells on the paper and two crossed bayonets along the bottom area the book s title is WW II In the eyes of a sergeant along the bottom in decently small writing i want it to say In honor to Jim Carmichael Written by Colby Smith