
Short story entries are due tomorrow, don't forget to submit yours through PM or send a link. 
          	Good luck to all 


As dear to my heart as writing is, I fear I am never satisfied with what I see and it has been causing me great pain. So I have decided to take a different approach and rather enjoy the writing of others, my little contests being the product of such thought. I do hope you all enjoy writing these short stories as much as I will enjoy reading them.


I fear I have need to apologize for those readers in which may have felt insulted by my earlier comment. You are important to these stories and therefore important to me, I did not mean for my words to sound harsh and I hope non took offense.  


I will not tell you my name, nor age, neither my gender nor status in the world. My writings are between themselves and the reader, there is no need for an author at all. Though I suppose this little authors note is a contradiction then, a paradox if you will. So you may ignore it if you wish and go about reading the stories posted here or simply move on completely to another writer for as an author I care not.