((Even if I'm don't answer your comments straight *snorts* away, I still see them and they make me chuckle and smile. I haven't been on this account much. Sorry. I've been focusing on one story on my other account, @LadyofSnipers12 , and I've been in some deep shitt with school and Algebra 1. I has makeup work on slope from around the time I was sick in January. :/ It's been /three/ weeks since I was told what I had to do. Whoops? XD I'm just the procrastination queen. Btw, I've also gotten into the phandom. Like, danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. I ship them too. :P No regrets. XD So except them to be in the newest Hetalia Crack updates. I'm still depressed and I've only attempted once to cut myself. Barely left a mark, don't worry. I just can't handle pain very wall which makes a barrier between me wanting to do that and me being afraid of the pain. So, I'll cover more in another chapter of Hetalia Crack which I want to push out sometime tonight. Um, guess that's it. I'm also going to Europe during spring break. Hold up. SPRING BREAK, SPRING BREAK! Sorry, it's a inside joke from DeadloxMC and SkyDoesMinecraft. :D But yeah. If any of you follow my Tumblr, user is ask-aphromano, then you'd be constantly updated. I've also managed to figure out my sexuality. I'm asexual but I'm panromantic. You know what pansexual is, right? Well, panromantic is like it but with romantic feelings. That's enough for now. G'night!))