For those checking back the new chapter will still be up tonight just potentially late, my proof-reader has some stuff going on but they're sure they'll have the chapter to me tonight, don't stress! I haven't forgotten (like last week) It's still coming, just give me a few more hours.
I just want to say that this is one of the best series I have read and I loved every second of it. I can’t wait for whatever you decide to do next I will definitely be following it. Thank you and keep up the great work!
just finished the rising phoenix and I just want to commend you on a fantastic string of books. not only were they all very entertaining, but in each book/chapter your writing as well as innovation with the story improved bit by bit that created an awesome new world. i know in your afterword you said you’d be off the radar for a bit developing your new stories, and i can say with confidence that i’ll be one of the many individuals waiting for that time. keep up the good work and congrats on completing such an awesome project!
Hey! I had some questions for you about a story I'm thinking of writing and I was just wondering if you could reach out to me privately? If not it's all good I get it but if you could that would be great and very much appreciated. My Instagram and Snapchat are both the same as my user on here if you do reach out. Thank you!!
Let me be frank. When I started this 2 weeks ago, I didn't think this would impress me, but I am impressed. I never hated Dumbledore for his mistakes, I hated Voldemort. Remember, your character changed the others. Otherwise, what Dumbledore is right for Harry, except for leaving him at Durdley's.
If anything.... I beg you to please take all the time, sort everything you need to, dot every I and cross every T. And take as much time, because I would REALLY love for you to continue writing, your harry potter series has been with me for years, and I've followed it since book 3.
I've so thoroughly enjoyed what you've written, more so than so much content on this website. And I cannot wait to see what you'll write next! Thank you soooo much!
God thank you for writing this series I have enjoyed it I know I took a long break from reading but it was great I love it
Personal I would like to see a little book of like family moments between us, Maria and mcgonagall if I’m being honest here but I read your last chapter I completely understand thank you for making this such a great journey and for such a great series
For those checking back the new chapter will still be up tonight just potentially late, my proof-reader has some stuff going on but they're sure they'll have the chapter to me tonight, don't stress! I haven't forgotten (like last week) It's still coming, just give me a few more hours.