@jaythelocalgay gave me the year 2016.
Age then: 11/12. My birthday is in the middle of the year... So...
Age now: 16.
Relationship status then: Alone.
Relationship status now: Still alone. Not a bad thing.
Living then: The UK.
Living now: The UK. Somewhere safe.
Pets then: A black cat. He was called Bebe.
Pets now: I live with a dog named Fudge, a budgie names Stormzy, a hamster named Beanie, and soon to be two ducks which havent got names yet. Technically... I only fully own one of these but, i love them all anyways...
Was I happy?: Maybe. Maybe not. I can't think about it. But hey, emotions change.
Am I happy now?: Maybe. Sometimes. Emotions change.
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