@Fangirlyness2022 tagged me so let's get to it! 1) What kind of phone do you have? A Galaxy J3 Prime 2) Do you have a crush? Does my boyfriend count? 3) Birthday? Dec 6th 4) Best friends? Ashely (@IWrteFicNotTragedies) Jayedyn (@ponygirl13) Liza Robby Henry Anna Libby 5) Biggest fear? Suffocation/asphyxiation 6) Favorite Song? Right now, The Great Locamotive Chase or Rains of Castamere 7) Hair color? A reddish brownish mixish 8) Favorite subject? Band or AP Bio 9) Favorite sport? Marching Band 10) tag people I think everyone should do this so I can get to know all you guys better. And if you don't want the world to know you can private message me!

@Archangel777 I was reading this on my notification board and I saw "Birthday? Dec 6th" and I was like "hey! That's the same birthday as my best friend!" And then I saw it Was you