
Welp, unfortunately for those of you still reading Bound By Chains (the newer version), Wattpad has taken it upon themselves to remove that story from my published works. Why? I have no idea, but now I need to appeal to get it back (since book 2, Prince of Dragons, is still avaliable and needs the first story to make sense. 
          	So apologies if yall try to read the first book (that isn't the old version) and can't find it.


@AiraBerroya2 Me as well. Hopefully they'll listen to the appeal I made and allow me to repost it


@luccilide Thank you. I'm not sure why they felt the need to remove the story, but unfortunately we all have to sit an wait to see if they'll even let me re-publish it


@ArchangelLeviathan I'm so thankful I just got done reading that


Welp, unfortunately for those of you still reading Bound By Chains (the newer version), Wattpad has taken it upon themselves to remove that story from my published works. Why? I have no idea, but now I need to appeal to get it back (since book 2, Prince of Dragons, is still avaliable and needs the first story to make sense. 
          So apologies if yall try to read the first book (that isn't the old version) and can't find it.


@AiraBerroya2 Me as well. Hopefully they'll listen to the appeal I made and allow me to repost it


@luccilide Thank you. I'm not sure why they felt the need to remove the story, but unfortunately we all have to sit an wait to see if they'll even let me re-publish it


@ArchangelLeviathan I'm so thankful I just got done reading that


what is frozen treats?


oooh I'm sorry I didn't see it was a story I only saw that on the book and was confused I tried searching for it online thinking it was an app or website haha


@imgayzzs Frozen Treats is the book thay has all the smutty scenes from other books. For instance, any scenes that lead to something mature, it'll be in that book.


For anyone wondering where I've been, and if I'm still planning to write a story surrounding Davian's (Bound by Chain) brother Drakell....I am indeed! I took some time off to collect my thoughts and plan out eventually where I wanted Drakell's story to go! I then wanted to make sure I had enough chapters to continue posting on a fixed schedule, so, with that said, I will begin posting chapters for Drakell's story; Prince of Dragons, Febuary 1st! The first 5 chapters will be released, then every Tuesday after that, there will be a chapter posted until the conclusion of the story! I can't wait for what Drakell has in store, and I hope you enjoy his story just as much as you enjoyed Davian and Cayden's! :)


@LK-Mattis And it just sort of came to me in the middle of Davian's story, Bound By Chains. I wanted to do something more with the eldest brother, and I figured a good way to do that was to introduce Alaban, who would need his assistance in finding where his people had scattered :)


Hi, are you still going to write the prince of dragons story? 


@polladot202 Yes I am! I'm trying to get enough chapters done for it so that I can update with no issues lol. I did take a couple months break to gather my thoughts, so sorry if it's taking too long. I'm probably going to publish it the beginning of Febuary :)


For everyone wondering why the Bound by Chains rewrite hasn't been updated yet, its because my document word on my computer keeps crashing, making it nearly impossible to write the upcoming chapters, and already I've started writing chapter 50 like 5 times and Word keeps deleting it. I'll keep trying, but holy crap its been a struggle 


Heads up, there's no chapter for the Bound By Chains rewrite this week, as I've been invited to a wedding that's 6-7 hours away. Planning has been pretty hectic and financially has been as well, so I haven't had time to write a chapter. Definitely will have one out next Tuesday though, so look out for that!


Well, I want to post the next chapter for Bound By Chains....but Wattpad seems to be acting up today and isn't letting me, for some reason. I've tried posting from my phone and laptop, but nothing is letting me post chapter 34. So, apologies my wonderful readers, and I'll keep trying to post until it let's me...


I'm quite curious about what type of story some of you wonderful people might find interesting. (I'm basically brainstorming for future books lol) I have a few ideas of some mxm stories I have in mind, so let me know which one you think is more interesting!
          A romance story between a merman named Octavian and a rough and tough pirate named Henry?
          A romance between a humble human named Thomas who was looked down upon for being a single father, and a god of the moon named Elaris, who finds pity on the human and tries to subtly help him out?
          Or perhaps a romance between a rogue thief named Agathoc, whose sad past clings to him like a second skin, and a royal knight named Kingsley who, while often annoyed by Agathoc's antics, falls for him after endlessly trying to get him out of trouble?
          Which one of these prompts sounds the most interesting? I'm quite curious to see what you all may think!


@AnimeFanatic272 I'll eventually get to writing all the prompts up there lol. The reason I want to hear which one from my readers is so I know which one to start with first XP


@HighSunflowerIssues You know, that would be a cute idea lmao


I would read all as well, but if I had to choose, it would be a tie between the first and second ones.
            Lookin forward to whatever you decide to go for! :)