
I just posted the Prologue of ‘Changed - Not the Bots You Used to Know!’


          Now post this on everyone's wall who you think deserves all the love in the world.
          If you get...
          1 back= you are loved!
          3 back= your popular
          5 back= your one of the most lovable people out there!
          9+= wow... I'm jealous


So, I have started writing 'Changed - Not the Bots You Used to Know' I have gotten to the second chapter, and when I get around five chapters done. I'll start publishing once a week. 
          This story concept is mine, if someone has a similar story idea, that is  unintentional. Same with Original Character concepts. 
          The original idea and this one are different. But I am still using the same name.


          I'm very irritated right now. My school disrict canceled class for an entire month. And it's not a requirement by our state either, so if we miss a month of school, we are going to have to make it up. And our summer is two months long, and that means only one month of our summer. Also I don't have band practice for an entire month either, so that makes me sad as well. And we were about to start a project in science I've been looking forwards too since the beginning of the year.
          So, I might be updating more often, even though I have been updating more often. Than I have in the past. Hey, I might even re-write Family of Heroes for the third time. 
          Anyways, till next time, the people who actual follow me for some reason!


Could you make like a transformer prime shatter glass were jack Darby is in love with both Optimus good and bad and have him become a transformer


I’m not sure if I could do that. I’m not that well-known in the world of Transformers Shattered Glass. That and I fine ships that I don’t ship I have trouble writing. 


I was wondering if any of you would like an imagines book I might make, for Fandoms I'm in. Because I wrote a Transformers Prime one I made based off a writing prompt I found. Like I want to turn it into a story, but I have no idea what it would become. So... tell me if you'd be interested in something like that, please. I would love feedback even though I don't get much of it.


My Transformers Prime- One Shall Rise, I will be skipping the sixth episode, considering it would be the exact same episode, the exact  same plotline for that episode. This is partly because this is not an episode I enjoy plus, none of my original characters would fit into this episode. So, this episode is the same as before. So onto the 7th episode (that I can't remember what it's called!)


I’m sorry for un-publishing most of my books. The only reason I did that was because I will be editing them to were they are from a POV of one of my characters, and only important points. I’m only doing this because most of you have watched the show you you already know what happens.