
On its peak, it is said that the Elven Empire had over 150 Million citizens with an additional 50 Million being Slaves and Servants.
          	In present day, the Elven Empire only has a little over 50 Million citizens and has still not recovered from the downfall of there Empire. Relying mostly on there highly trained and specialized units in guarding there still extremely vast Empire that spans more than 1/3 of the entire continent of Geraldia.
          	Though the current Era is said to still be within the epoch of the Elves as even after there defeat hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, they still hold maseive Economic and Political power to limit any nations sovereignty though its slowly being weakened after the Dwarfs opened up there clans and had let outsiders to get involved in there markets and vice versa. Undermining Elven Technology and Science. It is due to this that the Elves were forced to open up there markets and now, its not uncommon to see Elves in Kingdoms and Major Cities selling wares made from the Empire in an attempt to combat the spread of Dwarven Technology which they also share with Humankind who is the top buyer of both of the Species creations.
          	Though Man itself has its own cards in the table, focusing more on Herbs and Spices alongside Corn, the new arrival of the Outsiders introduced many fruits and vegetables to the market which many of the players gladly shared with the Human Kingdoms, this damaged both Elven and Dwarven Markets but mostly the Elves, as they have a very intricate tastebud whilst Dwarves just like meat and vegetables forcing the market to equalize a bit though it is forecasted that Man's combined economy might be able to overtake the Elves if the damage of the upcoming Calamity can be contained enough for farmers to return to there land immediately.
          	-KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories


On its peak, it is said that the Elven Empire had over 150 Million citizens with an additional 50 Million being Slaves and Servants.
          In present day, the Elven Empire only has a little over 50 Million citizens and has still not recovered from the downfall of there Empire. Relying mostly on there highly trained and specialized units in guarding there still extremely vast Empire that spans more than 1/3 of the entire continent of Geraldia.
          Though the current Era is said to still be within the epoch of the Elves as even after there defeat hundreds upon hundreds of years ago, they still hold maseive Economic and Political power to limit any nations sovereignty though its slowly being weakened after the Dwarfs opened up there clans and had let outsiders to get involved in there markets and vice versa. Undermining Elven Technology and Science. It is due to this that the Elves were forced to open up there markets and now, its not uncommon to see Elves in Kingdoms and Major Cities selling wares made from the Empire in an attempt to combat the spread of Dwarven Technology which they also share with Humankind who is the top buyer of both of the Species creations.
          Though Man itself has its own cards in the table, focusing more on Herbs and Spices alongside Corn, the new arrival of the Outsiders introduced many fruits and vegetables to the market which many of the players gladly shared with the Human Kingdoms, this damaged both Elven and Dwarven Markets but mostly the Elves, as they have a very intricate tastebud whilst Dwarves just like meat and vegetables forcing the market to equalize a bit though it is forecasted that Man's combined economy might be able to overtake the Elves if the damage of the upcoming Calamity can be contained enough for farmers to return to there land immediately.
          -KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories


The Men of the Woods was formed by Italian-American players who focused solely on Mining and Ore refinement. Founded within the first weeks of the game, they were Nomadic for the majority of the time, only making contact with establishing Clans and Guilds for trading and selling. But due to the Timezome difference they have with the majority of the playerbase, they kept getting Offline Raided, forcing them to become more and more hidden till Breznick came and sacked there last secret base on the Mid Continent.
          Moving to the Dark Continents Southern Shores, they established a new base there. Thanks to fighting so many times, the players of this small Guild grew powerful enough to stand against the powerful creatures of the Final Continent. There, they built a new base that mined some of the rarest Ore in the entire game and this base was called Iron Mountain. Due to the abundant numbers of Enchanted Metalloids found in it.
          Now, richer and more powerful than ever, they sought out applications Online and through the Community Forums for players with actual real world expertise on Gunsmithing and Metallurgy alongside Enthusiasts of a wide variety.
          Thanks to this, not only did they grow larger, but with the arrival of more modern and efficient methods of refinement and mining, players started flocking to them, creating the Port of Woodstock which also created a new space for players who wished to enjoy a Medival Fantasy life with a bit of Modernity. 
          Though soon, after the First Dark Continent Campaign, a large war between the Guilds of the Dark and Mid Continent wherein the Men of the Woods survived the ordeal through using the first modern firearms ceated in the game expanded the city with the help of Eldwood, a tiny miniscule Guild that possess an expertise in Skeleton Armies.
          Though in the campaign for the Dark Continent, it was the Vampire Players who did the most damage to the combined Kingdom Guilds Armies.
          -KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories


The Shine Guards was originally founded by 2 seperate groups. The Shine Men of Coast Ourna from Northern Mid Continent who was a clan of Rangers who specializes in guiding players and guilds through its treachous island clusters and mountain valleys. With Silvery Skin, they were some of the best guides in the area before encountering larger problems interacting with Local NPCs due to IsekAI not only judging your characters race but also looks and the appearance. Forcing them to change there iconic look. The movement of the NPCs was due to far larger and more organized Guilds developing into Player Kingdoms, bringing in civilization to even the most harshest places of the continent.
          With this stability, they decided to move to the Dark Continent where they met the Guards of Deznotnik where they guarded a Port Town that was located near the Swamps of Ill Intent, a place cursed by the Dragons but home to some of the rarest and easiest to use weapons and materials from a bygone era between the Lizards and Dragons. 
          Together, they soon formed the Shine Guards, with the Shine Men guiding and locating while the Guards were the army and police and grew to become the source of stability in the Dark Continent. Though there area of control is miniscule, insignificant even to the gargantuan size of the last continent, its strategic placement being close to clusters of rare earth materials gave them sole authority in Exports and Imports of the continent, making them extremely rich and powerful whilst being respected for governing the ungovernable.
          They stand now not only as the most Neutral of factions, not engaging even against Vampire, Werewolf, and Demon Guilds endless wars in the continent but also as Merchant Conglomerates of rare metallic materials giving them close relations with the Mages Association. Often giving each other pats in the back.
          -KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories


The Black Metal Plate Armor Jackson dons is only reserved for the most Elite of Eldwood's Knights. Normal Knights from Castle Eldwood usually dons Plate Armor made out of Adamantium and Silver. 
          Only the 12 Knight Generals have the privilege of wearing this armor and its material, coming out of the very depths of Hell in Threa, the last area for Chosen Ones to conquer and where a factory built by Breznick lies. Thanks to Bahamut's buffs, Jackson was able to complete his Black Metal Armor instead of having to continually grind and buy the Metal from an extremely select few Merchants who only opens a few times within an entire year.
          -KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories


Hello author's i have 3 question for you to ask,hope you don't mind
          Q1:will there be a sequal to army of the damned? i really hope so that we can see what life will be like for alana,elizabeth and bahamut would be without thier master(paul) and the technological progress and politics of the world of threa after the end times and maybe a new threat they will combat ?
          Q2:so is the UN screwd like very screwd without iron mountain and the rest of military high command destroyed and possibly killed and never respawing,who will lead the rest thier armies(except paul,john,maltese and the rest of the loyal vets of the UN)only 3 or 2 star generals are gonna lead them without any experaince and i doubt the vets are gonna stop there they will likely disrupt supply lines and communications and possibly help the demonic hoard(very unlikey,idk)
          Q3:are you gonna upload the army of the damned to and ao3 or just one of them,if so that would be AWSOME and COOL
          Thats all of my questions good luck on army of the damned and your future stories your gonna make(idk if your gonna make any though but i hope so)thank for your time author's


@Asianfailure69 Good evening! Thank you for posting the questions and I'll try to answer it with the best of my abilities!
            A1: I have long thought about a sequel but that might be a long time. Books and Novels overall takes years to be made and for me, doing this as Hobby and most of my friends really just popping in to read or do grammar checks, it might take long before that can happen.
            Aside from that, I already have drafts for other stories. Ones that's more grounded in Near Future Sci-fi but I do have plans for a continuation of this novel.
            A2: Though as much as I'd like to say, wait for the next Chapter. I will say this, large and complex organizations are very hard to kill. Even if you destroy large portions of it, it will still keep on living.
            A3: I've never heard of those sites before. Thank you for the recommendation. I might post my chapters there after I am done rebuilding the entirety of Volumes 1 to 3. (First 5 Chapters of Volume 1 has been more or less rebuilt from the ground up)
            Extra: The Small Army story is really just an experimental attempt of me to make a story more grounded in reality with a mix of fiction. I'll talk to my friends and see if we could build more into it or if not, I might just expand more into it with myself. Then again, I am very busy with work nowadays and I am finding it harder to write in my freetime. What time I do have, I spend mostly in polishing Army of the Damned and just checking the Lore and stuff.
            Other than that, I am very happy to know that you've read this story for this long! I can never thank you enough for your support and do not worry, there's still more to come.
            -KFCLover from ArchiveOfStories.


Note:hope you do more of small army story its really entertaining for 1 chapter,maybe after your done with army of the damned


Bahamut's favorite book is actually a collection of photos and artwork from Chosen One Artists called "Dragons of Dark World" which is a united effort by 20 artists to recreate ancient art of the Dragons and even make new ones from the text and lore that could be found from the era when Man was still under the tutelage of the Dragons of Albion.
          Mostly players who took the time to use there talent for art to recreate and photograph the Dragons of Threa made most of the landscapes from the Primordial Times. When the grasslands were far few in between and the majority of Tur's landmass was embraced by a barren choatic waste where Cosmic entities and Demons would roam freely which gave the Dragons a near infinite supply of creatures to defeat and become stronger from.
          In one of the many artworks was a rendition of the long lost Vulcan Valley and under it was, inside a large tunnel was that of a Male Red Volcanic Dragon with a Female Black Dragon sitting under a cave, the light emitted by the magma flowing down from the top giving shine to an offspring, a small Black Dragon.
          Though Bahamut never made Jackson to buy it for her. But she still remembers the page perfectly.


PS If life doesn't become busy, I might post a chapter next week.


The Birth of the current King of James marked the beginning of the so called "Golden Age of Humanity". The era of when all of the leaders of Man's states and religions are great and noble men.  
          Though there's still corrupt and evil heads of states, the good ones far outweighs them and with the birth of the Grand Prince of James who shattered all standards of a Royal Birth with his natural kindness, and boy scout levels of innocence in a harsh world full of politics and backhanded deals. It cemented Humanity's place in the world as a true force of nature that even made the Elven Empire hesitant to attempt anything.


Most of the Flag Descriptors I use are intentionally shorter, but if I were to put the full fledged description for example, the Flag of the Holy Kingdom of James the Conqueror, it would be:
          Rectangular shaped with Blue being the main color, a golden crusted shield with a Dragon on the Left and a Lion on the right holding a Royal Crown with multiple rings of Halo's that's etched and emtombed with Sapphire and Rubies and a golden large border around the corners that depicts the many Heroic battles that occurred within its regions.
          The Dragon depicted is not an Ancient Dragon but a Wyvern that's baring its claws in full and the Lion is of extreme detail, its eyes even having ruby colors whilst there's a 2nd golden border that goes around it depicting the inner walls of most of their cities where the Castle and Nobility usually lay while outside of it, the Royal Crown sat above even the Nobility, anointed and given only by Deus Vrax to his friend, the once small circlet is now a great Crown of many Gemstones and Jewels and it sits above everyone, even the Elite and Aristrocats.
          The Three Halo's that goes around the inner rectangle has the Church, Nobility, and the Common People on its rings, with the Church being the one most inside and the Nobility being the one in the middle, making both the common person and their God, Deus Vrax meet.


Elizabeth's favorite book is an ancient collection of poems called Odyssey of the Eternal Flame.
          An old epic about a group of dreamers made up of a Human, Dwarf, and two Elves chasing the Star that illuminates. The Human was known to be the de facto leader, the Dwarf constructed the boat under his guidance and recommendations while the two Elves chartered there path and used the stars as a compass. One of the first books to mention such navigational method in Threa.
          There is a legend that if one could find where the great lighting star, the Sun that gave life to Threa holds not only a fruit that contains Immortality but also wealth that the Gods left behind when they were still making the world. 
          The story ends in tragedy where they die in Angea in starvation after there sail boat gets hit by a terrible typhoon after barely surviving a Livyatan whale attack. The collection of poems is now mostly regulated to Monks and Scholars, with the more modern stories of Knightly heroism taking the front.